Study Abroad &
Immigration 101

Unlock Endless Possibilities

We all reach a point in our lives where we find ourselves on the cusp of multiple roads leading to alternate pathways. Delve into endless possibilities overseas. Study Abroad & Immigration 101 is your guidebook to lead you to your destination. Dive into hot tips, methods, and tools to discover which University – college or a country is the right choice for you.


Meet the Author
Ashwin Patel

A little about Ashwin Patel

Ashwin, the founder of KumarDirect (a better living Better Life Career Club) since 1995. Having garnered 33 years of experience throughout his professional life. Having worked with a wide variety of industries in 12 countries, he has gathered a myriad of experience and insightful information to further his career. He currently works remotely from Melbourne Australia & Vadodara India.

Ashwin founded KumarDirect, the ultimate resource & community for men & women.

Studying, living & working abroad (& for those who want to).

He believes in a candid relationship with his clients to establish trust. He available to any questions or queiries. Here’s his contact details that will let you straight in his office.


Doorway to Amazing Academic Opportunities

Platforms where the book will be published

Consulting and coaching for international migration/studies

A Step Forward to Success

33 years
in the game


Study Abroad and Immigration 101: From home to the dorm room!

Preparing to study abroad can turn out to be one of the most challenging periods in your life. The prospect of heading to a foreign land, meeting new people, and withstanding the pressures to live a quality life overseas is daunting, especially if you have to deal with the situation alone.

Luckily, Study Abroad and Immigration 101 is available at your disposal to make your transition easy.

Learn the fundamentals and benefits of studying abroad, how to select the best educational institute out of the countless choices available in various countries, and to grab life-changing opportunities for students’ careers